═══ 1. General Help ═══ Choose one of the topics below:  License Agreement  Trademarks  Playing WarpTris  WarpTris Keys  Menu Options  Game Window  Score Window  Next Window  High Scores Window  Bug Reporting  What's New  Please Read This! ═══ 2. What's New ═══  Added 'Num Lock' Independence. You no longer have to enable 'Num Lock' to play the game.(Suggested by Michael McPherson)  Now the next piece appears on the next window, just like it will appear on the game window. On version 1.0 it appeared mirrored. (Bug found by Gordon Williams and Max Kozlov)  Corrected a bug on the initialization of the "Impulse" menu of the the game window context menu. The problem here was that it always initialized to the "Donkey" impulse. (This one I've discovered myself) I wish to thank all the people who have downloaded WarpTris and have E-mailed me with suggestions, bug reports, wish lists, and compliments. Some suggestions and bugs have been added or corrected, others are on the Wish List (See documentation). Thank's to all of you... ═══ 3. Bug Reporting ═══ If you find any bugs, on this program, please E-mail me at pcamara@geocities.com or dm03mi@antero.uac.pt, with a description of the bug. I will try my best to correct them, and update the version of the program on the Internet. Thanks in advance. ═══ 4. Menu Options ═══ Choose one link from the list below:  Game Menu  Impulse Menu  Sound Menu  Options Menu  Windows Menu  Help Menu ═══ 5. Game Window ═══ It's in this window, where you actually play the game. The pieces appear at the gray square on the center, and then start falling towards one side randomly. When some piece overlays any part off the center gray square, the game ends. There is also a context menu on this window, with the options from the menu bar, which affect it. ═══ 6. Score Window ═══ There's not much to say about this window. It displays your current score. ═══ 7. Next Window ═══ This window displays the next piece, and its next impulse direction. If you don't want this assistance, you can hide it by clicking its hide button. ═══ 8. High Scores Window ═══ In this window, the game keeps the ten highest scores, and the names of their respective players. If you want, you can erase all of them, by erasing the file SCORES.INI, the next time you run the game, it will create an empty high scores file. ═══ 9. Playing WarpTris ═══ Well, WarpTris is a rather different (and original) kind of Tetris, instead of pieces dropping from the top side of the Game window, they appear at the middle of it, and then start falling towards one side, randomly. This behavior, has a pseudo-Physical explanation: imagine your in Space, where there's no gravity, if you drop something, and give it an impulse in a given direction, that's the direction it will start moving (or falling), and it will continue moving that way, unless it encounters something on its way. So on WarpTris, pieces appear at the middle of the Game window and then receive an impulse, in a random direction, and immediately start falling towards that direction (just like in space). The piece can only fall towards four different directions (Up, Down, Left and Right), and you can make lines on the four sides of the Game window. You loose when some piece covers any square on the middle gray area. There are three levels of difficulty, which I call impulses (it makes more sense). What is different between them is the impulse strength, thus having direct implication on the speed at which the pieces move. Finally, when you make a line on one side, only the area from that side of the game window, to the first parallel side of the middle gray square will be evaluated, which opens holes on the adjacent sides of the Game window. For example, the figure below shows which area will be evaluated, if you make a line on the left side of the Game window. Note: You can only move your piece parallelly to the side it is falling to. ═══ 10. WarpTris Keys ═══ The valid keys for this game are: Space Drop piece Up Arrow Move Up Down Arrow Move Down Left Arrow Move Left Right Arrow Move Right Keypad 5 Rotate To pause the game just change the focus to another window, or press 'P'. ═══ 11. Please Read This! ═══ If you use this game and like it, please send me a Postcard! This is NOT REQUIRED, but it would be nice. :-) If you want you can also send me a contribution, to help me buy OS/2 programming books. Again, this is NOT REQUIRED. If you want, you can E-mail me at pcamara@geocities.com or dm03mi@antero.uac.pt, although I would prefer a postcard (or both). I assure you that any received contribution will be exclusively spent with OS/2. (How do you know I'll honor the above sentence?) You can send your Postcard/Contribution to the address below: Rua Joao Chagas, 32 9560 Rosario-Lagoa S.Miguel-Azores PORTUGAL Thanks in advance. Paulo Gago da Camara pcamara@geocities.com dm03mi@antero.uac.pt ═══ 12. How do I Know? ═══ You don't. :-) ═══ 13. Game Menu ═══ New This option starts a new game. Exit Exits WarpTris. ═══ 14. Impulse Menu ═══ There are three kinds of impulse, which corresponds to three different game speeds. This menu actually represents the level menu. Donkey impulse strength is the weakest (slowest) one, and WARP! is the strongest (fastest) one. ═══ 15. Sound Menu ═══ Toggles the sound on or off. ═══ 16. Options Menu ═══ This menu contains only one option, which displays the properties notebook. ═══ 17. Windows Menu ═══ High Scores Toggles the High Scores window on or off. Next Toggles the Next window on or off. Score Toggles the Score window on or off. Game Toggles the Game window on or off. Arrange Restores the default window positions, for the Game, Score, Next and High Scores windows. ═══ 18. Help Menu ═══ General Help Displays the general help window. Help index Displays the help index window. Help on help Displays information, which explains how to use help. Product Information Displays the Product Information dialog. ═══ 19. License Agreement ═══ License Agreement for WarpTris. For the purposes of this license agreement, the files that come with WarpTris (WarpTris.EXE, Scores.INI, WarpTris.INI, Pop.WAV, High.WAV, Over.WAV, WarpTris.HLP, WarpTris.INF, Install.CMD, README) will be referred from now on, as WarpTris. This program is PostcardWare/FreeWare, which means you can Use and Distribute it FREELY, provided you Don't Charge Any Money for it, nor make any Modifications to it. The Author/Programmer does not guarantee anything about this game, nor is responsible for any damage done to your Software and/or Hardware by it. The licensee agrees to use WarpTris at his or her own risk, and agrees to accept all liabilities arising from its use, including all claims by third parties, without recourse to the Author/Programmer. THERE ARE NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF ANY SORT. BY YOUR USE OF THE PROGRAM YOU AGREE TO THE TERMS OF THIS LICENSE. (c) Paulo Gago da Camara 1996-97. ═══ 20. Trademarks ═══ The following terms are trademarks of the IBM Corporation, in the United States or other countries: IBM OS/2 Presentation Manager (PM) Any other mentioned Trademarks are owned by their respective owners. It is not my intention to infract any copyright, or trademark with this program.